Monday, July 21, 2008

summer lapse

so...its been a really really long time since i last posted. like almost two months haha. oops! i guess its time for a little update...

since i last posted, brian and i traveled to norcal to visit his old stomping grounds and his best friends who all just got back from el missions. i finished my very last class ever as a byu undergrad (woop) and now im officially graduated, which is a really weird feeling by the way. i also got to spend a day with my old friends from slc who i havent really hung out with since i moved when i was 10. it was super rad to see them, and now we arent such long lost friends anymore :).

mm what else...i moved back to ca to say peace out to my bro who just left on a mission to Sao Paulo Brasil...he was super stoked to leave, and we were just as stoked to see him leave haha. my sad vanagon is going to be sold if my dad sticks to his guns, which means alex will now be carless. that sucks bad. in the mean time i am taxi driver to any and all of my brother's friends. so far im still just on the waiting list for byu law and im getting thoroughly annoyed. but im still planning on moving back to utah in hopes that i get in. oh yeah and since i just got engaged (hehe bet that surprised some of you) im also moving back so that i can marry the love of my life, who just so happens to be going to byu as well.

any requests for more updates? then comment. i have no job and am busying myself with rereading the entire harry potter series, so i bet ill be on here much more often in the next few weeks :)


Randy and Brenda's Clan said...

I like the sound of the words "love of my life". We are so happy that you will be joining our family. We love you!
-Soon-to-be Mom#2

alexkhulme said...

aw! i love you too!! thanks for being so awesome to me...and just so you know, he really is just perfect for me. you did good :)
-soon to be your third "daughter" hehe

squirrelyearl said...

Glad to see you finally posted again. I really enjoy your blog because you have such a great and unique perspective on life. And yes, I was one of those ones who was surprised by the whole being engaged thing, since I don't know what's going on in your life that much. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you, that's fantastic. Good luck with the BYU law thing. I really hope that works out for you as well. Anyway, I'm looking forward to more blog posts and I'll be reading.

alexkhulme said...

thanks scott! yeah its kinda fun to just write as it comes out, and im glad to know that other people like to read it too :) i havent been so good on the updating thing because my comp has been semi out of commission but i promise ill provide you more reading material in the future; hopefully more interesting than text books have to offer hehe

Anonymous said...

Your readers are dying to hear more about this fiance of yours!! :) Congratulations.