today i voted. which is somewhat depressing. im glad that i have the ability to vote without fearing for my life, but its not like my vote really counts here in utah. im pretty liberal, and compared to the "tea party" libertarians, im near communist. so my vote doesnt really mean much in a state that is unwaveringly red.
this will be relevant later.
on a related note, today i realized i have become a california snob.
last night, our landlord came down and gave us the mail key since they are going out of town, and we had the world series on [sounds of celebration]. he didnt know we were giants fans, or even that we were both from califonria, though different parts. his parting comment? "you guys are good people for being from california."
what the H does that even mean?
apparently people from california are generally awful? maybe we are generally liberal? generally homeless? generally high? no idea.
and then someone i know who recently moved to california for grad school posted something on facebook about:
a) how if a resolution about medical marijuana passed, she was leaving CA,
b) that california didnt need any more hippies,
c) that she as a californian had a vested interest in this, and
d) that californian registered voters were "hipsters."
you are going to think im nuts, but this genuinely annoyed me. i dunno if it had something to do with the fact that we have always had differences stemming from the fact that i was a liberal west coaster and she wasnt, but now she was calling herself a californian, or the fact that, regardless of your political beliefs, you at least shouldnt be surprised that california has lots of hippies and resolutions about marijuana, or that most californians would be at least mildly offended at being called hipsters.
insert first paragraph relevance here.
id give anything to live in a state when im not surrounded by people who cant see the issues beyond their weird conspiracy theories or where people dont think that life as we know it is ending because there is a black man in office or where people have the ability to understand that taxes are necessary to decrease the deficit.
if you dont like the hippies, maaaaaaaaybe you shouldnt be in california.
and if you dont like marijuana, dont vote for it.
there. my conscience is clear now. im a california snob. and i blame it all on the fact that utah is a ridiculous place that is slowing eroding my sanity and ever darkening my blue status.
now im going to go watch the voting results, relieved that christine o'donnell lost, but still trying not to throw the remote at the other obnoxious tea party idiots.