Friday, July 15, 2011

homeless adventure part a'rbaa: the giant potty

ok so the title really doesnt mean an enormous toilet.  ill explain in a minute.

first of all, we have no internet, which is why i havent posted earlier.  i keep saying im going to go to the library and use the internet there, but i havent.  my schedule is this: go to work, come home, change and go to the gym, make dinner, watch part of a movie, then go to bed.  thats it.  it doesnt sound super busy, but it seriously is.  its nuts.  busiest summer ever.  BUT its been two months since i posted last so its time for an update photo-style.

my ghetto food processor 
brian is a goofball
We finally got settled by buying some things like a 5$ set of silverware and 5$ glasses from Ikea.  we also had the good fortune of having some members of our ward donate some furniture to us for the summer, like the chairs above.  still sparsely furnished, but its something!

this is our town, San Leandro
Downtown Oakland, where I work
Oyster Bay, the airport is in the distance
So thats the scene we live.  i bart into oakland everyday. we drive around town every day.  oyster bay is where san leandro meets the bay.  neato. 

Point Reyes
Point Reyes by the lighthouse
HOLY windy
 we like to go on adventures, like to point reyes and on pretty drives that always make we want to barf.  this day i was good. on the way there at least.  after this picture, i turned green.  

brian is scared of goats
brian is also scared of pictures
i love G-raff-eeeeeeeeeees!
driving into the city 
the golden gate from the bay bridge
the golden gate from the lookout point

the sweet tagging next to the golden gate lookout

on memorial day, we went to the zoo and to the golden gate bridge.  brian likes to take pictures.  he took pictures of the bridge. i did too. but mine are uglier.  

Lets go Giants!

we had great seats

so happy to see the giants play!
coach boch
sweet stadium

...street lights, people...

we LOVE the giants and were super stoked to be able to see them play. we have  gone twice now.  hence the "giant" in the post title...
did i say classic already?

I also went to Everett for Danielle's wedding.  i stayed with lisa and laughed way too much.  but thats what you are supposed to do with best friends right?  thats what i thought.  brian stayed home and his bro came out to chill with him.

to finished the explanation of the post title, we went to see Harry Potter 7.2 last night at midnight.  AMAZING.  the audience sucked but the movie was good and it was way fun to do a midnight showing, since its been years since ive done one.  

anyways.  now you know, we are still alive.  though without the internet, you might question my definition of "living." 


Very Zaneta said...

Yay for the update. Glad to see the adventure going well :)

tesslast said...

Glad you guys are surviving the madness. Its so fun to see all the pictures. Glad you guys are squeezing in some fun things too!