1. professors would rather have you teach the class. this is to "make you think like a lawyer."
2. professors will call on you in class even when you dont have your hand up. this is to "make you think like a lawyer."
3. if you dont do your assigned readings before class, your professor will call on you every day until you are prepared. this is to "make you think like a lawyer."
4. an average score on a test (like an 87%) is actually a d. this ridiculous curve is to "make you think like a lawyer."
5. you have no other assignments that determine your class grade except for your massive 3 hour final. this is to "make you think like a lawyer."
as you can see, all of these things are vast improvements from undergrad, right? but the best difference of all are the mind games. not like, staring at goats style mind games. these are games that are likely to send you into hyperventilation. the worst part? all these games are played by other students. thats right. when you are sitting in the library, dutifully studying, you realize that you are the only person who has been there fewer than 4 hours. now you know that you are obviously studying the wrong way. i mean, if you arent spending that much time reading 10 pages, then you OBVIOUSLY have missed all the information thats preventing you from getting more than an 87% on your test! i mean, duh! oh wait...that guy is playing mob wars on facebook...you think im kidding about the mind games, but im not. law school is a place that very smart people come to make other smart people feel dumb. but i have the system figured out. if you arent so smart (like moi) then these smart people dont make you feel dumb. they simply annoy you. really, its kind of nice to know that you are possibly the dumbest person in your class because you are immune to these games.
ok for real, most of the time, these people arent even studying but they want to make you think they are. why, exactly, this is so important to them, im not sure. if they arent studying, sitting in the library is definately not helping their social lives. these games are silly, but in all honesty, its very easy to fall prey to these games. and yes, it is gut wrenching. but a friend told me once that when it gets overwhelming, just remember-its just law college. just finish what you gotta finish, then go home and have a life. no biggie.
of course, no one is immune to the total terror of turning in a paper (that is about 80% of your grade) 3 days early...
1 comment:
didnt read all of tht, my beain is not working 100% this may be in there but...
and when you answer a question from the text book, the answer in the book is wrong, the answer in the law books are wrong, and the answer from the lawyer is also wrong. this too is to make you think like a lawyer
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