Tuesday, January 12, 2010


so, i realized after my last post that ive just been ranting about law school, and not really talking about any other aspect of my life. while this shows the real balance of my life, i think id rather give the cyber world the appearance that my life is much more balanced and well rounded and less consumed by the library than it, in all reality, actually is.

since it’s the beginning of the new year, i too made some resolutions that i aspire to, but most likely will not, keep.

the first on my list is go gluten free. i did it once (for two years), i could do it again right? WRONG! oh, ive been fabulously good for the last two weeks, but i forgot what torture it is to watch everyone else around me consume mass amounts of pizza while i wolf down a gross (read that: Caesar) salad like its my last meal. see, the thing about gluten free is that if you don’t want to munch on veggies and fruit for the rest of your life, you must cook. and between class and homework, I don’t usually have a ton of time to actually participate in the culinary arts. but since this time around im more equipt to cook on a regular basis (aka. more willing), i think/hope it will go better than last time, and become a lifestyle rather than a burden.

second, im going to work out more. this resolution is already dead to me. i tried going to the gym that brian’s work (a health supplement company) subscribes to for free (instead of hiring people full time and giving them benefits), but it turns out that this health supplement company does not want me getting fit because they have not renewed their subscription to the gym. so, i could pay for the membership for 300$ or I could just go to the really really crappy byu gym for free since im a student…but im resisting. i doubt that resistance will last for long though, since i bought new running shoes just to solidify my resolution and they are calling my name very loudly every time i look in the mirror…

so…those are my major resolutions for the year, along with a few little things that probably have a more eternal affect on my life, but those are just the little things, right? if you have any resolutions, id like to hear them! you offer me some moral support, i just might offer you some homemade gluten free cookies that i may not promise to be utterly delicious...


LaLasha said...

Why gluten free? I'm going dairy free but that is because I am lactose

alexkhulme said...

i have celiac, which is a gluten intolerance. in the same family of issues of lactose intolerance though!

Tiara Joy said...

I tried to go gluten free and then after one shopping trip I realized a few things , 1) it can be more expensive to buy the basics 2) no way in hell my boyfriend or anyone in my house will eat it and 3) I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bread, carbs, adn wheatway too much! lol. Good luck to Alex! I am trying to stop soda consumption and jack n the box food!

alexkhulme said...

its something that sounds so easy, but is so ridiculously hard once you realize what all has wheat in it. my husband wont do it either, and i wont even eat most of it, even though i dont have anything else. ive sampled allthe gluten free cookies, crackers, bread, and cereal possible, and the only stuff that is good is the setuff that is gluten free on accident...like frosted flakes and trix!