Saturday, October 2, 2010

identity crisis

i survived an emotional crisis yesterday.

actually, ive been fighting this situation for the past two years. and ive succeeded so far.

what is this crisis you ask? it is the crisis of the hair.

i know right? what am i stressin over? uh well, the fact that i officially have the LONGEST hair in either of my families, to be exact.  doesnt that sound like an oxymoron? alex does not equal long hair.  so how did this happen?!

yeah i dont know either.

but both my sisters in law have hacked off their hair and i am J.E.A.L.O.U.S.
i would totally do it in a heartbeat if i knew that i could hack it off and still look professional and get a job.  yesyesyes i know there are professional styles out there but im always going to want to do it funky and having a short hair cut that i cant do what i want with isnt exactly what i want either.

brian asked me a good question and it made me think: do you hate your long hair?

honestly? no. i dont hate it. actually i like it most days, i just dont love it like i loved my short hair. but i dont know that ill even like a cut that i pick just because it professional and not at all what i really want.

so im going to compromise.
dye it dark and get some funky bangs.
like these maybe.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Chop it off. The butchier you look, the more intimidating you'll be in a court of law